Create positive change in the health care environment by managing the way quality care is measured and delivered.

The health care industry is both complex and ever-changing. Emmanuel's location at the intersection of leading health care providers in the Longwood Medical Area and the business mecca of Boston’s financial district puts you in the center of it all. Our interdisciplinary program is a natural fit for students with a passion for health care and the analytical skills necessary for business management today. Graduate prepared for an in-demand role as a profession who understands changes in health care laws, regulations and technology and who is responsible for overseeing operations including human resources, finance and marketing within the health care system.

The Curriculum

View the 2023-2024 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for a B.A. in Management with a concentration in Health Care Management 

In addition to courses required for the major in management, students take 12 credits from the courses listed below. We also recommend that Management majors do their management internship (MGMT3496) in a position in the health care industry.

  • PHIL1205 Health Care of Ethics (M) (ER)
  • ECON3113 Economics of Health Care
  • Choose one of the following:
    • COMM3806 Health Communication
    • IDS1201 Perspectives on Public and Global Health
    • PSYCH2405 Health Psychology 
    • SOC2123 Operations and Health Care Systems, Structures and Cultures
    • THRS2222 Social Justice and Global Health (RCT) (RICT) (SJ)

View the 2023-2024 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for a Minor in Health Care Management

(for non-Accounting/Finance/Management/Marketing majors)

  1. MGMT1101 Intro to Business
  2. ECON1101 Principles of Microeconomics (SA) (SS)
  3. PHIL1205  Health Care Ethics (M) (ER) 
  4. ECON3113 Economics of Health Care
  5. MGMT2307 Organizational Behavior (SA) (SS) (DM) OR MKTG2200 Principles of Marketing OR MGMT2301 Legal Environment of Business
  6. Choose one of the following:
  • COMM3806 Health Communication (SJ)
  • IDS1201 Perspectives on Public and Global Health
  • PSYCH2405 Health Psychology
  • SOC2123 Operations and Health Care Systems, Structures and Cultures 
  • THRS2222 Social Justice and Global Health (RCT) (RICT) (SJ)

We strongly recommend that non-science majors also consider taking BIOL1102 Human Biology (SI-L)(NSL), BIOL1103 Human Biology w/o lab, BIOL1112 Biology and Society (SI), BIOL1211 Emerging Infectious Diseases (SI) (NS) (SJ) and/or BIOL2121 Human Health and the Environment (SJ).